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Bernstein: CANDIDE Overture (variant readings)


1960:  full score published by G. Schirmer (pl. no. 45702); 47 pages of music (numbered pp. 2-48).

1990:  study score published by Jalni Publications / Boosey & Hawkes (ed. no. FSB-466), a corrected reprint of the 1960 score; 47 pages of music (numbered 1-47); on the bottom right of p. 1 is the note "Corrected Edition 1990."

1994:  full score of the complete show published by Jalni Publications / Boosey & Hawkes (ed. no. HPS 1180); scoring reduced; the overture is pp. 1-43.

1998:  full score in Leonard Bernstein:  Orchestral Anthology, vol. 2 in the Boosey & Hawkes Masterworks Library series; 43 pages of music (numbered pp. 1-43).  It has been newly generated by computer notation software.  On the bottom right of p. 1 is the note "Corrected Edition 1998."  There is no plate number for this item, although the other three works in the anthology are reprints with their original plate numbers.

NOTE:  the lists below cannot presume to be comprehensive; rather these are the variants I caught in fairly quick perusals while preparing the post.  Moreover, this is only a collation of the printed sources:  I have not examined the autograph(s).  Because of the substantially different orchestra, the 1994 score of the full show is mentioned only when relevant to some specific detail.  The corrections first introduced in the 1990 printing (that is, where 1990 agrees with 1998 but not 1960) are highlighted below by an asterisk.

*b. 1, tempo:  1960  mm. half-note = 152;  1990/1994/1998  mm. half-note = 132
b. 52 (and 166):  cymbal clash in 1998 appears one bar earlier in 1960/1990/1994 [although in the "Battle Scene" (no. 5f)  as given in the 1994 score, the clash is delayed]
SOURCE:  detail of scan of 1960 G. Schirmer score, p. 10, bb. 47-53
SOURCE:  detail of scan of 1998 Boosey & Hawkes anthology, p. 9, bb. 47-53
*bb. 224-230, tpt. 1:  1960 gives staccato quarter-notes a third higher than tpt. 2 (cf. tbn. 1); 1990/1994/1998 gives second canonic entry (8va lower than obs. and cls.):
SOURCE:  detail of scan of 1960 G. Schirmer score, p. 38, bb. 225-230
SOURCE:  detail of scan of 1998 Boosey & Hawkes anthology, p. 34, bb. 225-230
*b. 227, horns:  last quarter-beat is rest in 1960 (breaking the strict canon) [reproduced above]; tied f" in 1990/1994/1998
*b. 231, tempo:  1960  mm. whole note = 96;  1990/1994/1998  mm. half-note = 152
*b. 254, tutti:  in 1960 this bar ends with a luftpause [,]; lacking in 1990/1994/1998

LESS SIGNIFICANT (LARGELY INAUDIBLE) VARIANTS:  tidyings-up; corrections of apparent errors, etc.; not including mere notational changes with not difference in sound (e.g., a change of clef in tbns or violas); but some infelicities introduced.
b. 3, timp.:  1960/1990 has decresc. hairpin on first two notes; lacking in 1998
b. 5, w-winds:  1994/1998 uses small accidentals to indicate the trill with concert A (i.e., not A-flat)
*b. 20, timp:  1960 has d rather than B-flat; corrected in 1990/1998
b. 23, perc:  1998  has extraneous sfffz at extreme left of staff (also bb. 161, 200)
b. 32, tpt. 2:  2nd note a' in 1960/1990; corrected to b-flat' in 1994/1998
bb. 39-44, horns:  muted in 1960/1990; stopped (+) in 1994/1998
b. 46, picc, fls, clt: grace-notes after the barline in 1960/1990/1994 (gliss in clt); grace-notes before the barline in 1998
b. 53, tpt. 1:  third quarter is (wrongly) c-sharp" in 1960 [reproduced in cymbal example above]; corrected to b' in 1990/1994/1998 (also in b. 167)
b. 94, harp:  1994/1998 has glissando notated with Fs on the 5th and 6th quarter
b. 106, harp; ditto with b-flats
b. 118, vlns, vle:  extra slur between first two notes in 1960/1990, dropped in 1994/1998
b. 123:  dolce instruction only in tpts and tuba in 1960/1990; added to all but tbns in 1998
bb. 147-152:  harp beaming 1-3 in 1960/1990; 2-2 in 1994/1998
b. 161 perc.:  see note to b. 23
b. 167, tpt. 1: see note to b. 53
b. 177, Fl. 1 and Vln. 2:  decresc. hairpin added in 1998
b. 190, timp:  "soft sticks" instruction (1960/1990) moved to b. 189 in 1998 [lacking in 1994, where the only instruction is "with hard sticks" in b. 1]
b. 200, perc.:  see note to b. 23
b. 207, horns:  staccatissimo added in 1994/1998 (cf. bassoon 1 in 1998)
b. 206, cym.:  pp in 1960/1990; ppp in 1998 [no cym. in 1994 until b. 224]
b. 225, perc.:  sempre cresc. in 1960/1990; no indication in 1994/1998
b. 247, tutti:  cresc. indications generally later (as late as 248) in 1998 than in 1960/1990
b. 271, bs clt, bsns, c bsn:  ff in 1960/1990; fff in 1998
bb. 281-283, timp:  accented in 1998
b. 284, w-winds:  cresc. hairpin in 1994/1998, lacking in 1960/1990