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This blog wouldnt happen without a number of friends, colleagues, and institutions that have made my work on it possible.  In addition to the sorts of resources I cite on the Links page, I should thank those closer to home.  Day to day, this is

The Simpson Library of the University of Mary Washington,
headed by Amy Fileatreau, who leads a supremely capable staff;
provides my access to RILM, JSTOR, Oxford Music Online, and so much more;
and particularly Andrea Meckley, the miracle-working inter-library loan liaison


I must also recognize a legion of those who have answered my queries
or responded with advice and encouragement,
not always knowing precisely what they were getting into: 

Byron Adams  (University of California-Riverside)
Mike Bratt  (Stafford, VA)
Gary D. Cannon  (Seattle, WA)
Bella Challis  (Chandos Records Ltd.)
W. David Conner  (Greenville, SC)
J. Michael Cooper  (Southwestern University)
Bill Cowdery  (Cornell University)
Stephen Crist  (Emory University)
Rebecca Cypess  (Yeshiva University)
Jonathan Del Mar  (London)
Ben Dobbs  (Furman University)
Barry Dreier  (Holly Springs, GA)
Meghan Duffy  (University of Michigan)
Bren Finan  (www.brendanfinan.net)
Taylor Hedger  (Big Note Music)
Rob Hudson  (Issaquah, WA)
Peter Jost  (Henle Edition)
Janusz Konieczny (University of Mary Washington)
Andrew Kraus  (Rockville, MD)
the late David Lloyd-Jones  (London)
Kevin McLaughlin (Cleveland Institute of Music)
Sara Morrison (then of Erskine College)
Clinton F. Niewig  (Philadelphia, PA)
Jennifer Oates  (Carroll College)
Julian Onderdonk  (West Chester University)
Stanley Pelkey  (University of Kentucky)
Robert Puff  (Seattle, WA)
Paul Rawlins  (Airmen of Note)
David B. Rosen  (Cornell University)
Ivy Sanders (Spokane, WA)
Eric Saylor  (Drake University)
Rachel Scott (University of Memphis)
Patricia Puckett Sasser  (Furman University)
Vicki Stroeher  (Marshall University)
Filiz Tabak (University of Mary Washington)
Yan Pascal Tortelier  (London)
William van Geest  (University of Michigan)
Justin Vickers (Illinois State University)
Kory Vrieze  (Greenville, SC)
Melissa Wells  (University of Mary Washington)
Robert Wells  (University of Mary Washington)
Chris Westover (Denison University)
Ashley Woodiwiss  (Lander University)

More specifically, I am grateful for the advice and encouragement
of a public musicology community who I dare to call peers:

Andrew DellAntonio  (University of Texas at Austin)
Kendra Preston Leonard (Houston, TX)
the late Linda Shaver-Gleason  (Not Another Music History Cliché!)

These lists are only going to get longer over time.

The blog certainly would not happen without my accommodating spouse, Patricia Bolen, who has been willing to tolerate the purchase of unlikely volumes, and too much of my time spent looking at them.

Finally, my deep gratitude to Rob Holecko, who assisted with the set-up
and has continued to help me understand what a blog is and what it does best.
His websitealthough as different as could be from thisis worth perusing.